Past is the past

Monday, July 30, 2012



Now where do I begin with this little fiasco! The first time I remember doing something that was OCD, was when I was going through everything with my step-dad! I felt like I had to have control somewhere in my life. So I started to become very ocd and it never has left.
Everyone with OCD has their own little quirks. Mine have quite a variety from only wearing red when I have to, having things end on an even number and yes the picture above may be odd numbers but when you ad 15 and 5 it makes 20 and there you have it an even number. This ranges from radio station, how many times I touch something etc.
I check the locks on the house multiple times before I go to bed, making sure everything is locked and secure.
Make sure both of my kids are breathing and nothing is by their face.
Making sure unnecessary things are unplugged especially since our house fire.
Having to arrange things a certain way so they are spaced our evenly.
Not having my food touch.
There are a few others as well but that was just an example of the things I do.
People from family to friends notice it and it's kind of like a running joke. They will stop me in the midst of putting something in order or by going over and messing it completely up so there is not a chance I would take the time to fix it.
Yes it's very time consuming, but I believe in a way we are very OCD about something, maybe not to the extent of me, but somehow!

July 30, 2004

8 years today!

Today marks my 8th anniversary being married to my best friend. It has been quite a ride with alot of trial and error, ups and downs. I think any successful marriage has to have all those things to make it great.
We definitely have our critics who didn't think we would last this long, but everyone knows I love to prove people wrong. My husband has changed me for the better and has been patient with me. (as I have been with him)
We have a bond with each other that is stronger than people think. After so many years we have learned to not care what others think. I have not met one person whos relationship I envy or look at and say wow they have the perfect marriage.
I love this man, he's my best friend, husband, and father to my kids.
This girl right truly blessed with an amazing man.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Something New......

So here I am starting this new thing. When I hear the word blog it reminds me of "Maid Of Honor" the movie when that girl had an obsession with Patrick Dempsey. Makes me laugh to think I am doing one, but after starting it's fun. Sharing my life with others who want to read about it. Documenting the things my kids do because sometimes it's entirely to long to put on facebook. I may not go with all current things but some of my memories are far more hilarious for others to read as well! 
Welcome to my world!